The What and Why of Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a philosophy, science and art of all things natural. Vitalistic chiropractic recognizes a Universal Intelligence or Life Force that is the animating power behind all matter. In the body, this Intelligence works through or over the nervous system. It is self-healing, self-regulating and constantly adapting to life’s forces. The intention of the chiropractic adjustment is to release interference in the expression of your Innate Intelligence.

Any dis-ease, expressed as a physical symptom, chemical dependency or mental/emotional state - is simply a result of the interference in the expression of this Intelligence. In chiropractic, we call this interference a subluxation. Chiropractic does not treat specific conditions, rather, we help to clear subluxation patterns that are interfering with the body’s ability to function at its highest capacity. Once cleared, the body can return to a higher state of organization, coherence and harmony.

Nervous System Focused

The central nervous system (CNS) is the master system of the body - made up of the brain, spinal cord, meninges and dural attachments. Through the CNS, we perceive and respond to all incoming energy and information. It also controls and coordinates every cell, tissue, organ and all systems of the body. Proper flow over a well-adjusted nervous system equates to the free expression of our Innate Intelligence, along with its self-healing and self-regulating properties. Improper flow or stuck energy eventually leads to dis-ease and a body that can no longer function, grow or heal properly.

As we move through life, we encounter a variety of experiences and it is the job of the CNS to store and record these impressions in order to learn, grow and evolve. If a particular experience is too much for our body to integrate in the present moment, the stress is stored as subluxation. On one hand, this is extremely beautiful - it allows our body to learn later on if we choose a path of healing. However, until that experience is fully integrated, the body “hangs onto” the stress, which eventually leads to symptoms and dis-ease.

Tonal Approach

We utilize a variety of techniques and approaches to most efficiently reduce stored tone or tension in the CNS. We aim to meet your unique system where it is in the present moment and apply honoring adjustive forces that best help it to unfold and integrate. Each adjustive force is tailored to the need and tone of the adaptive pattern, varying from low-force applications to deep structural applications. Some of our favorite approaches include: pneuma approach, bio-geometric integration, postural blueprint method, craniosacral fascial therapy (gillespie approach) and craniosacral therapy.

Ancestral Ecology Principles

We are also passionate about incorporating strategies to help you to fully embody the changes and shifts that are bound to happen in this space. We believe that you were Intelligently designed and adapted to a particular environment and to this planet. We help you to understand natural law and quantum biology principles so you can make leaps in time and space to inhabit a more free, vital version of you.